cornea, iris, lens and retina
a window into the soul, revealing the world of the inner world of a person through his gaze
The look can be intense and deep, reflecting a person's inner feelings and mood. Dilation or constriction of the pupils may indicate various emotional states, from surprise and attraction to tension and discomfort.
The cornea is a transparent shell through which light enters the eye.
a glance can reveal a person's inner world. Sometimes a look can be so intimate that it creates a special feeling of closeness and understanding between people.
The mirror of the soul

A window into the soul

Emotional shades of the look
The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye by expanding or narrowing
cultural context
The eyes are able to convey not only basic emotions such as joy, sadness or anger, but also subtle shades of feelings. The smallest changes in the expression of the eyes can betray feelings that a person is trying to hide.
light gaze / sparkling eyes / twinkle in pupils / wide gaze
looking down /
dilated pupils /
slightly closed eyelids / blank stare
gaze / pupils dilated /
eyes directed towards the source of anxiety
wide-open eyes /
raised eyebrows / slight eye strain
Joy and Delight
Sadness and Longing
Fear and Anxiety
Surprise and Intrigue
Compressed eyelids / tense eyebrows / fire in the eyes / sharply directed towards the object of indignation
Anger and Resentment
soft and warm /
dilated pupils /
tenderness in the eyes / intimate look
Love and Attraction
Shimmer / creases in the corners of the eyes / bright eyes / radiance
Laughter and Joy
lack of emotions / monotonous gaze / lack of eye contact with the interlocutor
Indifference and Indifference

Symbols and Etiquette of the Look

In some Asian countries, such as Japan and China, it is considered respectful to avoid direct gaze when communicating with older or high-ranking people. This is perceived as a sign of restraint and respect.
In some countries of the Middle East, a sustained gaze for a long time is considered a manifestation of trust and sincerity.
In Western cultures, a direct look during a conversation is usually interpreted as a sign of self-confidence and sincerity.
In some African societies, a fixed gaze may indicate dominance or strength.
A decrease in gaze may also indicate shyness or modesty.
However, looking too directly can be perceived as intrusiveness or indecent behavior.
However, in a number of European countries, a long look can be considered defiant or even violating personal space.
At the same time, in other cultures it may be considered respectful to avoid direct gaze, especially in dealing with authority figures.
Eyes, as an important part of human communication, carry a variety of symbolic meanings in various cultures. These cultural features of the perception of gaze can significantly affect interpersonal relationships, communication, and even behavior in society.
The lens focuses light onto the retina, where light signals are converted into nerve impulses.
cultural context
Asian cultures
Middle Eastern cultures
European and Western cultures
African cultures

The eyes are not only a biological organ for vision, but also a powerful tool for expressing human feelings and communication

Culturally, the eyes play an important role in art, literature and folklore. Their description can be full of symbolism, expressing various aspects of the human experience, from passion and falling in love to mystery and mystery.
Illustration: Rokas Aleliunas / yoyo
designer: ymonastyrshina
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